Profiel van Bon Jon Tavernier

Poster Designs - Vol. 09 "Bittersweet Resilience"

"Bittersweet Resilience"
Poster Designs - Vol. 09
(No. 49 - 54)

Bittersweet Resilience encapsulates the idea of finding strength and determination in facing life's challenges, embracing both the bitter and sweet moments, and emerging stronger and more vibrant. It's about the ability to endure difficult or challenging situations while acknowledging the mix of both positive and negative emotions that can accompany such experiences. It acknowledges that life often comes with moments of both hardship and beauty, sorrow and joy. Individuals can demonstrate strength while navigating the ups and downs in their lives.
Glow - May 30, 2022
This poster conveys the idea that despite challenges, shining your light on love and truth brings out the resilience within. The glow symbolizes the inner strength that emerges when faced with darkness, emphasizing the bittersweet beauty of overcoming obstacles.
Ice Cream - June 5, 2022
This poster takes a lighthearted approach, highlighting that sometimes resilience comes in simple joys like enjoying ice cream. It adds a touch of humor, suggesting that in the middle of life's challenges, finding comfort in small pleasures is a form of bittersweet resilience.
Gloom - June 8, 2022
Addressing the shadows of life, this poster reflects the theme by acknowledging the transient nature of gloom. Behind the darkness lies the potential for joy, illustrating how resilience involves recognizing the fleeting nature of hardships and finding hope beyond them.
Monday - June 13, 2022
This poster humorously captures the struggles of Mondays, resonating with the universal feeling of facing the start of a working week. The resilience lies in facing Monday with humor and a strong cup of coffee, blending the bitter reality with a resilient, productive mindset.
Limbo - June 17, 2022
This poster encourages decisive action, emphasizing the bittersweet nature of choices. Resilience is depicted as choosing not to linger in a state of indecision or self-pity, but rather confronting life's challenges head-on. The limbo represents the space between choices, and the resilience to move forward.
Alive - June 21, 2022
Focused on embracing life, this poster highlights the bittersweet aspect of resilience by encouraging individuals to go where they feel most alive. Resilience is depicted as seizing opportunities and understanding that some moments are fleeting, adding depth to the theme of embracing life's highs and lows.
"Bittersweet Resilience" weaves a theme that acknowledges life's challenges while emphasizing the strength and beauty found in overcoming them. These posters delve into different aspects of this theme, portraying resilience as a glowing inner light in the face of darkness, finding joy amidst gloom, humorously tackling tough Mondays, making decisive choices in the limbo of life, and embracing moments that make us feel alive. Each poster captures the delicate balance between bitterness and sweetness in the journey of resilience, offering a nuanced perspective on navigating the complexities of life.
"Even on a Monday gloom, life's bittersweet flavors can light a glow within us, as we savor every moment like a scoop of ice cream in the limbo of existence, proving that we are truly alive."

Bittersweet Resilience
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Thank you.

About this project:
Series of Posters is a personal project I've been doing since September 2021. 
I've decided to do this to challenge myself by coming up with new ideas and concepts, to be productive as much as possible, to have the freedom of self-expression, to let my creative mind flow freely, and to have fun when there's nothing else to do.

It's always great to see how each of my design is changing as time passes by, and I'm confident to admit that I'm improving quite a lot. I'm always doing my best to stay consistent on this project as much as possible.

Poster Designs - Vol. 09 "Bittersweet Resilience"


Poster Designs - Vol. 09 "Bittersweet Resilience"
