Ayessa Mo's profile

United Rainbows

In honour of Pride Month, I created United Rainbows, an international organization that focuses on the mental health and empowerment of LGBTQ+ youth. This is a personal project that was greatly inspired by #TheTrevorProject . As an ally, I wanted to imagine an organization that created a safe haven for the LGBTQ+ community all around the world. Yes, I am aware that there are, in fact, dedicated associations that cater to the needs of this particular community. But I wanted an institution that worked on a global scale, just like #Unicef.

United Rainbows is a website that offers therapeutic help to depressed LGBTQ+ youth and age-specific chatrooms to talk about shared experiences. People can either buy merch or donate: the proceeds will help secure financial stability for queer youth experiencing homelessness and/or poverty (80%) and pay for the institution’s employees’ salaries (20%). There is also a namesake app that serves the same purposes.
United Rainbows


United Rainbows
