​​​​​​​cØnstellatØr / Loop
Digital kinetic sculpture
Constellator is a digital art installation that showcases a seamless, perfectly looped simulation of particles in motion.
The changing colors, patterns, and movements of the particles create a unique and dynamic experience.
The combination of light, motion, and sound creates an immersive and engaging environment
that invites exploration and engagement.

1440×1440,  Loop of 925 frames @ 60fps
Sound design by Shinami-Sound

cØnstellatØr / Edit
Digital kinetic sculpture
This digital art installation is a mesmerizing spectacle of light, movement and sound. At the same time you can listen
to the dynamic, ever-evolving soundscape created specifically for this project. Breathtaking visuals and mesmerizing sound, Constellator is an immersive and engaging experience.

2560×1440, 1425 frames @ 60fps
Sound design by Shinami-Sound​​​​​​​

Special thanks to Shinami-Sound for amazing sound design
and to
Oleg Sadovnichiy for his patient and kind advice on Houdini.


