The Global Ecommerce Acceleration Summit - where the top Ecommerce accelerators and brands gather to learn, network, and experience what’s possible.

Starting from a blank canvas, the team had roughly 5 months from concept to event.
The task was to build an industry event to bring together the brightest minds. This was not a sales event, but rather a networking gathering to lead and succeed in the Ecommerce industry. My team was tasked with branding the event from the name, to every visual piece both print and digital at the event. We also created all promo videos and advertisements, and presentations.
We had a goal of 1000 attendees, which we sold out weeks before the event.

For our first event of this kind, we are very stoked about the final outcome both design and content. 


CCO: Josh Mendenhall
Creative Director: Justin Woods
Art Director: Chase Estes
Sr. Designer: Mike Fox
Animator: Gelo
Video: Casey Hyer, Matt Butler
Video Editing: Arielle Nelson
Photo: Scott Davis, Casey Richardson

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Event design for Accelerate: The Global Ecommerce Acceleration Summit - where the top ecommerce accelerators and brands gather to learn, network Lire la suite

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