Atomic Vaults is a Founders Fund and FTX-backed fintech startup with a mission to make investing accessible for everyone. It is the first-ever trading platform to bring fractional options to retail. It also helps the community to learn and grow with trivia games where they can win prizes in stocks and options. On top of that, users can also see market trends for each industry and make their decision wisely.
Project’s scope

• Define the identity of the app creating the look and feel of it.
• Create high fidelity prototypes for the mobile app with smoother user experience of the product using the wireframes provided by the client.
• Simplify the user onboarding process, create the user flow based on their selection of answers to different questions.
• Integrate the system of buying and selling stocks and options which will be similar to the most popular trading apps.
• Create a trivia games section where users can play the quizzes, appear in the leaderboard and eventually win the prizes in stocks and options

My contributions as a solo designer

• Visual identity
• User interface (UI)
• User experience (UX)

User onboarding process

Portfolio summary, active positions for stocks and options, stock details page

Buying and selling of options

Buying and selling of stocks

Explore page to search the stocks, see the trending, big movers and stocks linked with different industries

Trivia Games section when game is not live yet

Trivia Games section when it is live and users are sharing comments and answering the questions asked by the host
Atomic Vaults


Atomic Vaults
