Won LerJi's profile

Midjourney_the endless possibilities...


the endless possibilities...

Prompt :
wizards + magic + spells, crystals cave, style of Craig Mullins

Prompt : 
War machines in the snow, James Gilleard and Brian Edward miller design illustration style

Prompt :
end of space and time

Prompt : 
3 traditional Chinese creature, representing the season of spring/summer/autumn

Prompt :
a hyper realistic concept art character of the metal Godzilla 4K symmetrical portrait, black and red and golden

Prompt :
hologram of the Egypt pyramid, god, moon knight

Prompt :
black paper + optical illusion + white ink + tarot card

Prompt :
oil painting of Journey to the west, jan van goyen, ultra detailed

Prompt :
a beautiful art by Steven Harrington, Tokyo, Japan, multiverse, cosmic space

Prompt :
A prehistoric civilization filled with magical ferns and greater stone + style of Shinkai Makoto + Breath of The Wild 

Prompt :
a cat studying the book of death in the hall of god, high detail

Thank You.

Midjourney_the endless possibilities...


Midjourney_the endless possibilities...
