D!VE on RE-Entrys profil

Are You Watching Closely?

Are You Watching Closely?

This triptych of posters was created as a tribute to classical magic posters. From the early etchings of the 18th century to the erratic lithographic prints up to the 1950’s. The images I found in my research were described as metaphors for the mental gymnastics of illusion while also representing a truth repeated amongst magicians, magic is in the mind.

With admiration for these visual goals, I studied the elements of the work in front of me and created my own series by way of mixed media. Combining collage, photography, illustration, painting and finally screen printing. Each print required 7 screens to achieve the replication of the vast colour palettes typically found in this style of design. It all came together to present a work that carries the purpose of both magic and art, to please and cheat the sight.

Exhibited at the Supalife Kiosk Berlin from 10th June - 18th July
Are You Watching Closely?

Are You Watching Closely?
