Spinner of Life--Portrait
Trying to behave..........
Mama dog "Southern Breeze" and brother "Seeker of Life"
At 10 weeks old, ready to take on the world...
First "snow job".
Out in the wild.....trying to be still for the group photograph.
Have not decided to put my ears up like brother Seeker's.  I like being different.
An important job.....keeping Braveheart in check.
Ever curious
You may be bigger, but I am faster!!!
But Mom, you're too old for toys......
Dad got a new lense for his camera and we decided to cooperate just this one time.
Always ready and wanting to go.......
Out of this world explorers......
Mud-dog playing in the forest........
Help!!!  My legs shrunk.........
Now this is the Life....
Lookin cute
That golden light
But I liked my smell........
Dress rehersal for a trip to Saudi Arabia........
Spinner ........happy with life and living.
The Last Hobo
Spinner of Life......Spinner Schaferhund            September 16, 2009   to   February 5, 2014
Killed by a speeding automobile.......
My way of paying respect and honoring the life of  a dear friend of mine who loved life and lived it to the fullest of any German Shepherd that I have ever had in my life.
Thank you for allowing me to do this and for viewing my work.
Ode to a Winner

Ode to a Winner

Personal Project
