photographer, product designer, born in Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukraine), based in Berlin for 2 years

Lisa feels that Berlin is her “alter ego”. It's a creative city and here people share the same values as her. But still when Lisa comes to Kamianets-Podilskyi she has a feeling that she comes home.

Lisa knows how to pack a bug-out bag since childhood. Not very often but sometimes there were earthquakes in Kamianets-Podilskyi. Her grandmother had a bag with all necessary things for evacuation and advised Lisa to also have one, just in case.

Lisa’s favorite place in the apartment is the corner near her bed. She reads books and retouches photos here. 
Lisa likes this cup because of its color and aesthetic. It was made by a Ukrainian brand. Lisa often buys clothes, accessoires, books and other things from Ukraine to support Ukrainian business.
Lisa's books talk about different parts of her personality: her passion for photography, feminism, interest in psychology, freedom to imagine, searching for herself.
This is the first hundred percent cashmere sweater Lisa bought for herself. She loves colour and texture very much. She grew up in a poor family and wore cheap synthetic clothing for a long time. Now when she can afford it Lisa wants to wear clothes from natural fabrics.
Another blouse looks casual and has no special history. But Lisa associates it with home comfort.
Lisa was given this teddy bear by her ex-boyfriend. She has very fond memories of this relationship.

The Motanka doll was brought to Lisa by her friend from Ukraine. And her mother gave me a cup with the inscription "Taste life".​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
A blanket creates comfort in Lisa's apartment.
Obviously, a camera helps Lisa develop as a photographer. And she learns by reading this book how to make impressive woman portraits.
"I felt limited in time and space. There is not much space in the backpack, so how to take with me all the things that are important? And then I felt a strong sense of uncertainty".
Lisa Burdeniuk
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Lisa Burdeniuk

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