Calendarboy Marz's profile

日历男孩 Calendar boy|Illustrations vol.01

日历男孩的小剧场  The dream theatre
宇宙乐队  The band of universe
观星日  The day when perseids came
地铁第二站  The next subway station
漂浮房间 Flooting room
豆荚  The bean pod
车站  The stop
小世界  The tiny world
万圣节  The halloween
棉被山谷  The cotton vally
相册墓地  The graveyard
火焰  Fire
小船  The little boat
逃跑计划  Runaway plan
玻璃杯  The glass
日历男孩的第二个生日  The second birthday
披萨男孩  The pizza boy
糖果盒  The candy box
手机  The telephone
宠物蛋  Tamagotchi
钟摆  The pendulum
珍珠  The pearl
洗衣机  The whashing machine
夏天  The summer
熬夜  Boiling the night
青春期  The puberty
纸片男孩  Paper boy
烘焙师  The baker
寻宝游戏  Treasure hunt
许愿树  Wishing tree
焰火  The firework
种子  The seed
幽灵 The ghost
塑料袋  The plastic bag
眼泪  Tears
胶带  The tape
鸟笼  The bird cage
药剂师  The Pharmacist
怪胎  The weirdo
镜子  The mirror
渺小  Insignificant
巫师  The wizard
尼古赫巴琴  Nyckelharpa
回家  Coming home
漂流瓶  The bottle
观众  The audience
谢谢观看! Thank you for viewing!
日历男孩 Calendar boy|Illustrations vol.01

日历男孩 Calendar boy|Illustrations vol.01
