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Worth of hiring a realtor to manage

Is hiring a realtor to manage the rental of the property worth it?
When you need to go to court, look for a lawyer. If you have a health problem, make an appointment with a doctor. When you want to slap the look, run to the beauty salon. If you have any unforeseen problems with your car, it doesn't take long to find a workshop. 

Why do we not even think twice and look for a specialized professional such as Empower Commercial Group and so many other situations? We want to ensure that the service will be of quality, performed by those with experience and training, without improvisation or amateurism.

This is also the case with real estate leasing. You can even take a risk and try to rent your house or apartment yourself, taking on the task of managing the rent yourself. However, it may take longer for you to get an interested party, you will have to be responsible for writing the contract, you will not carry out the entrance inspection, and you run the risk of dealing with the tenant's default as you will not have access to the guarantees. 

But why worry about that when you can count on all the help, guidance, expertise, and quality of a real estate company? 
"In addition to all the advantages, you can do the entire procedure simply and quickly from the comfort of your home while staying safe in this pandemic."

And if you have a property for rent but have not yet decided whether to entrust your property to the care of a company specializing in rental management, continue reading this article in which we have gathered tips for owners to know in detail how a real estate agent makes all the difference.
Rent without leaving home
Can you imagine renting your property without worrying about visits, surveys, contracts, and meetings with potential renters? That's precisely what happens when you choose a real estate agent, even better when everything can be done over the internet.

By entrusting your house or apartment to someone who understands the subject, you can rest easy while professionals do everything for and for you. All processes, from the entrance inspection, through the infrastructure of the property and condominium, to the moment of the visit, including even the signing of the contract, can be done online without the need to travel to the location, ensuring security—tranquility, and speed to lessors and tenants.

Effectively spread
This is one of the most significant differentials between those who choose to have a realtor manage the property. Due to the quality and professionalism, the ads gain greater visibility and, consequently, you will have more interest in the property, increasing the speed with which your property is rented.

Far beyond the posters and signs, the digital advertisement can be seen by people worldwide through real estate websites, which have many hits. 

Those looking for an apartment or house to rent do their first search and visit effectively. Therefore, it the importance to have your property publicized on the most accessed sites.

Contact with customers
Wide and strategic dissemination arouses the interest of several customers. 
Here, as in the other stages of the leasing process, you don't have to worry about maintaining a relationship with the interested parties or accompanying them on visits. Have you ever thought about having dozens of interested parties and always being present?

Leave it to those who are experts who will know how to present the qualities of your property. In partnership with Houseful, is responsible for this stage and providing the hosts, residents who play the role of hosts, and accompany the visit. 

The real estate agent is also responsible for carrying out the entrance inspection, at which time all the property details are analyzed and recorded. In addition, the company is empowered to draft the contract, providing legal certainty for all involved. Thus, it is guaranteed that at the end of the lease, everything is in the same conditions as when the property was rented. 

The best thing is that this bridge between owner and tenant does not end when the deal is closed. On the contrary, it goes much further, existing throughout the contract duration. This way, in any situation, the real estate agent will act as an intermediary between you and the lessee, avoiding several annoyances and headaches.

Imagine having to stress every unforeseen event and or having to find the solution to any problem. And worse: having to charge and stay on top when payment doesn't occur on the agreed day. 

All these coexistence mishaps can occur, but with real estate, you won't be bothered. All negotiations are intermediated when the real estate agency assumes the role of rent management, generating the least amount of wear and tear on the property owner.
Worth of hiring a realtor to manage
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Worth of hiring a realtor to manage

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