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How should you take care of your child's eyes?

When providing your child with proper eye care, you should keep the following things in mind: 
1. Maintain a healthy diet for your child 
Children's overall health and eye health can be maintained with a healthy diet with all the proper nutrients. To ensure that your child gets adequate amounts of the nutrients like vitamin A, C, and E, lutein, zinc, and omega 3 fatty acids that are in his/her diet, you should include the following in his/her meal plans. 

2. Encourage visual engagement 
Engage your child in fun games using colourful toys to encourage visual engagement. You can teach your child hand-eye coordination by playing games like patty and peek-a-boo. 

3. Limit digital screen time and sun exposure for your child. 
You can use some protective eyewear while bringing your child out to protect their eyes from the sunrays. Furthermore, you should limit digital screen exposure from tablets, computers, and mobile phones, which can cause eye strain and impair vision. 

4. Take your child for routine eye care Albany Ny 
Regular eye exam with a pediatric ophthalmologist are critical in your child's growing years as they will help monitor all the changes taking place in your child's eyes.
How should you take care of your child's eyes?

How should you take care of your child's eyes?


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