Profil von Per-Magnus Rønning

Bachelor of Mediadesign - Student Work

Bachelor of Mediadesign
This is a collection of various practical tasks we did in connection with
my undergraduate education.
Signange system for Gjøvik University College
The system consists of nameplates, door signs, indication signs, a plan overview, an overview of the different buildings and an information center.

Redesign of newspaper
Talib Kweli & Madlib, Liberation – CD Cover
The design reflecting the experimental aspect of the music.

Maud & Haakon – Visual Identity
Maud & Haakon sells cotton underwear for children.
Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia
Redesign of a scientific journal
Poster design
Poster design for the Korean Horror film "The Host".
Bachelor of Mediadesign - Student Work

Bachelor of Mediadesign - Student Work

Projects done for the period 2004-2007 while studying for a Bachelor's degree in media design at Høgskolen i Gjøvik.
