Neo Life Ring

India is being attacked by the virus in 2021; the Ganges is regarded as a sacred salva-
tion by the locals. 
Neo Life Ring是一套過濾系統,針對恆河的日夜變化,過濾病菌、重金屬並清運雜質、顆粒、汙泥。

Neo Life Ring is a filtration system that filters out germs, heavy metals and removes impurities, particles and sludge according to the day and night changes in the Ganges.

 (These filters) at night, they will be connected in a line, a large number of interception and water quality filtration; in the daytime, with the changes of the river, they will scatter and absorb impurities.

Through the connection of this system, the images of "unity" and "independence" are expressed, and the myths in traditional beliefs are promoted. 


Simultaneously display river pollution indicators, warn of the water quality status of the basin, and reduce exposure to germ-containing water sources and the persecution of more than 140 species of organisms.
Neo Life Ring

Neo Life Ring
