Assignment #7 Asbury's Street Art Community

For this assignment I chose to highlight Asbury Park's diverse street art community. Each photgraph I feel highlights one of the main three categories of street art located in Asbury. The main three categories are abstraction, 70's pop art, and graffiti. The street art community brings life and beauty to what otherwise would be abandoned and decaying buildings. Infact, all of these photos were shot through fences put there to keep people out and away from the decaying buildings. 
Shot in normal camera mode.
Edited in Lightroom mobile- Slight overall adjustments to exposure, highlights, shadows, whites, and blacks. Color mix adjustemnts made to bring out the true colors of the art. 
Shot on normal camera mode
Edited in Lightroom mobile- Slight overall adjustments to exposure, highlights, shadows, whites, and blacks. Color Mix adjustments made to make the colors pop while keeping true colors of the art. 
Shot on 3x zoom lens. 
Edited in Lightroom mobile- Slight overall adjustments to exposure, highlights, shadows, whites, and blacks. Created a mask over the door and increased the highlights and whites to brighten the art so the detail is more noticable. Slight color grading done. 
Assignment #7 Asbury's Street Art Community

Assignment #7 Asbury's Street Art Community



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