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XENOPHOBIA PSA Campaign Posters

These three posters show three, of the countless, different places of the world and the people that suffer from xenophobia; which is the "fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign".

Hopefully those who read these posters are able to understand the depths of this phobia and the consequences, mental and physical, it represents to those who emigrate in the hopes of a better life, adults, teenagers, children and infants, all of whom are affected directly. 

Xenophobia in not only a thought, an action, or an opinion, is the result of a lack of compassion, understanding and knowledge.
I wanted to focus and highlight the things we all as humans have in common, instead of the those customs and habits that make us different, to highlight the idea that we are the same.

We all speak a language
We all believe in something
We all come from somewhere ​​​​​​​
XENOPHOBIA PSA Campaign Posters


XENOPHOBIA PSA Campaign Posters
