Amsal Hassan 的个人资料

Fun Lab - Sustainability & Technology

Zonal Planning - Bespoke Design and Detailing - Sustainability & Technology - Joinery Detailing
pt 2

Interior props being that which we are surrounded with throughout our lives, these objects able to “take possession of the residence”, meaning they are our norm, they provide comfort and security as they have always been. 

(Whitehead,J. creating interior atmosphere, pg 64)

A conceptual diagram showing a mechanism I designed that is used at the end of the user journey of my interior where the user would experience a literal feeling of going inside their own mind, and that distortion that memory can create.
Sustainability & Technology - With Detailed Technical Drawings

Analysing different types of materials to finalise the best option in terms of being most sustainable

Look into how a piece of bespoke design can be reconstructed to produce a secondary use.
Fun Lab - Sustainability & Technology

Fun Lab - Sustainability & Technology

