Profiel van Elena Kyrylchuk

How do you feel ? (heavy emotions)

How to describe, to explain if you feel something beautiful?

​In case you would like ​to share this amazing feeling with someone who you love? ​ How to explain it in words? ​ I guess it's not an easy task for most of us, right?​​​​​​​
How does emotional pain feel?

No one knows what drama or tragic experience lives inside the person who is smiling at you now. Many of us are scared to look at our own emotions. We hide from our pain, because we don't know what to do with it, how to survive.

Living your happy life, you can suddenly find a huge invisible wound in yourself. From now when we no longer hide and do not worry about our own pain. 

This is a moment when a smile with the words "I'm fine" sound too false.
I tried to capture  moments of amazing feelings in these illustrations and share them with you. I will add new illustrations to this post if something touches me enough to draw it
Thank you for your attention!
How do you feel ? (heavy emotions)


How do you feel ? (heavy emotions)
