I was commissioned to build a set for a student film about a South American drug smuggling submarine.  It had to appear to have been designed by professionals, but constructed by unskilled laborers in a jungle with limited resources.  This particular sub was to appear fully submersible, manned by a crew of 3 or 4 for periods of two weeks or more.  It included a telescoping prop periscope and other authentic amenities such as a battery bank, oxygen tanks, multiple water pumps and a toilet.  It was 22' long, 7' wide and 8' tall, and could be broken down into 8 sections for transport and a variety of camera angles.  One section had to be truly submersible for the ending sinking sequence.
Construction began in June of 2012, with filming set for the end of July.  I performed 99% of the design and construction by myself, a few hours every day.  Total cost was just over $1200, with most interior pieces scavenged.


South American cartel smuggler's submarine


Creative Fields