Angelia DiAntonio's profile

It's all in your head.

The assignment was to create an editorial illustration that represents mental illness. I chose to draw a person lost inside a brain-shaped maze. Surrounding the maze are phrases that a person with depression often hears from others. Before starting the illustration, I researched what type of things depressed individuals go through every day. Depression is often very stigmitized in our society; many people think that someone who is depressed is just feeling sorry for themself or simply being pessimistic.
I chose to highlight the phrase "It's all in your head," because it's both stigmitizing and somewhat true; it is technically in the mind that depression starts, but it's not something that a person brings onto themself in the way that the phrase suggests. Just because something is "all in your head," doesn't mean that it's a simple problem you can solve yourself. It's a long, challenging maze that you can get through with the help of others.
It's all in your head.

It's all in your head.

The goal of this class assignment was to create an editorial illustration that represents mental illness. I chose to draw a person lost inside a Read More
