Havaş is the leading, most prestigious company in the ground handling services industry in Turkey and one of the prominent players in the global market. However, their brand system and website were not suitable and outdated for their innovative organizational structure and didn't reflect the company's core values.

So Havaş contacted us to restructure the complicated layout of their website and make it more user-friendly. Beyond being user-friendly, the website needed to convey a simple definition of what a ground handling service provides for the customer. So, we developed an extensive brand system and strategy. We created the visual interpretation of the actual process of the 3 main services provided by the company, using the power of animated illustrations as our visual language. This enabled us to convey the message instantly to the viewer. With the new, refined menu and user-friendly layout, Havaş has one of the most contemporary brand systems among its competitors.
Client: Havaş
Creative Agency: Ba'ndo Design Studio
Creative Director: Emrah Doğru
Yaratıcı Ekip: Işıl Aktaş, Yeşim Karabucak
Motion Designer: Vedat Özgümüş
Illustrator: Razvan Vezeteu
Havas Web Design


Havas Web Design
