Daisy Tobin profili

Playful Type - Cyberphobia

The Brief​​​​​​​
Communicate a visual phobia through a typography outcome using experimentation and creative direction. This brief was set for my "Playful Type" module in university.
Final Outcome
Evoking a emotional response of fear through type, The chosen phobia is Cyberphobia. Cyberphobia is the extreme fear of computers and technology, something that is all around us in the 21st Century. Research and interviews identified that glitches and errors were the biggest culprit of this phobia.

A simple sans serif was at the base of this outcome and was then put through a process of databending in the audio program 'Audacity'. Databending is the process of manipulating a file by using a software not intended for that file format.

The final outcome is kaleidoscopic, each pixel is unlike the other and not where it is suppose to be. It strikes with a sense of discomfort and dread. The word ‘Cyberphobia’ is not hidden but amplified by the glitches.
Playful Type - Cyberphobia
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Playful Type - Cyberphobia

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