Jennifer Wagner profili

Sozzani – A Clean Text Serif by Jen Wagner Co.

Introducing Sozzani – a clean text serif designed for readability at large and small scales.
This font began to take shape last year when I was a student at Type@Cooper.

Our primary assignment was to sketch and design a typeface that would work in text formats — like long paragraphs of body copy rather than logos and headers.
My brief stemmed from the question, “What if Vogue put out a newspaper?”

You'd need a font that works well at small scale and responds well to some ink bleed, but also still conveys modern elegance and class.

And Sozzani is the result!! Beautiful in long or short-form text at any scale, but also gorgeous for logos and headers.

Sozzani – A Clean Text Serif by Jen Wagner Co.
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Sozzani – A Clean Text Serif by Jen Wagner Co.

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