Profil von Annina Cynthia Gurrath

Social media banner UK-China Careers Fair - YCP

Social media event banner - YCP Volunteering

While volunteering as a Graphic Designer for YCP - the Young Chinese Profes-sionals Ambassador Program, I've created Social Media banners for Facebook and WeChat for the UK-China Careers Fair. 

I was provided with the copy and the request for a bright and colorful color palette, but otherwise was given creative freedom. I chose to create a simplistic typographic hierarchy and experimented with simple shapes alluding to speech bubbles, since the event was centered around talks by invited speakers.

Below you can see a mockup used from a designer from Freepik to illustrate the Facebook event banner created for the UK-China Careers Fair.  
Social media banner UK-China Careers Fair - YCP

Social media banner UK-China Careers Fair - YCP

