Nulla si crea, nulla si distrugge, tutto si trasforma
[Nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transforming]
Festival Della Arti - Giudecca - Saccafisola - 2013 - Winehouse 
(15 fotografie dell’ex Ospedale al Mare del Lido di Venezia)
“If you can find anything in what I have just read to you to account for my present condition, you are welcome to do so; but, as I before remarked, all I can tell you is that I am shaken, and sore, and stiff, and bruised, and that how I came so I haven’t the faintest idea.” [Lewis Carrol]
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Nulla si crea, nulla si distrugge, tutto si trasforma [Nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transforming] Festival Della Arti - Giu Lire la suite

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