Location: Moscow, Russia
Function: private house (concept project)
Total area: 200 m2
Project team: Salamandra Yaroslav,
Creanga Denis (Gutta Studio).
This project was made as part of an architectural competition. The purpose of the competition was to identify new techniques and architectural forms using brick 
as a finishing material for the faсade.
On the side faсade, we used two patterns. One pattern forms a translucent partition that separates the entrance group. The second pattern forms a complex three-dimensional plane that leads deep into the building and organizes the approach to the entrance group.
The pattern in the middle of the main façade is a gradient that smoothly transforms the brick façade into a glass wall. The effect is enhanced by the fact that this solution is organized on the entire surface of the walls and roof. 
This solution is effective both for the facade and for the interior.
Brick house
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Brick house

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