Khadi India Rebranding & Brand Book
Design Concept
About :
The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is a statutory body formed in April 1957 (During the 2nd Five Year plan) (as per an RTI) by the Government of India, under the Act of Parliament, ‘Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act of 1956’. It is an apex organization under the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, with regard to khadi and village industries within India, which seeks to - “Plan, Promote, Facilitate, Organize and Assist in the establishment and development of Khadi and village industries in the rural areas in coordination with other agencies engaged in rural development wherever necessary”.

USP of Khadi India -
- No middle man involved
- Product authenticity
- Helping village people grow financially

I wanted to make the logo more relatable to today's generation by simplifying it, giving it a global feel yet still managing to give an Indian touch so that the brand can stand forward with its competitors.

Mind map
Study of Devanagari Logotype to form Logotype in English with the same structure
Brand Book for Khadi India is designed to showcase the various brand patterns, colors, and layouts for print media ads.

Khadi India Logo Redesign & Brand Book
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Khadi India Rebranding & Brand Book


Khadi India Rebranding & Brand Book



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