2017 | How to become Famous in Hamburg If you have only 7 days? | The first story.
Every day 7 art stories  will be created (a documentary about the process of the whole project will be filmed):
1. Each day one art project will appear and then it can be seen on the streets of Tel Aviv (7 days - 7 projects).
2. It will show the relationship between people who previously didn’t know each other, but consolidated for 7 days for the sake of a common idea.
3. There will be an opportunity to realize participants’ own art-ideas.

Whether it is possible to become famous in 7 days or not, we will find out at the end of our project, that is, tomorrow. Let's see how many people will come, how they will evaluate our success. It seems to me that it is not so important whether you can become successful in such a short time ... it is important that in such a big city as Hamburg, in 7 days you can attract a lot of attention, which we have already managed with the help of various performances.
Girl: Hello! Where to go?
Grisha: We are doing a project - we want to become famous in 7 days. Do you want to join us?
Girl: Hmm, I don't even know. Not sure
Grisha: Nothing special needs to be done! You just need to be with us. We already have a gallery, take a look. Well, what can you say? Everyone, myself included, wants to be famous.
Girl: Why?
Grisha: Yes, just like that, this is an experiment.
Girl: Somehow it's all strange
Grisha: Yes, I know. But you can always try. If nothing comes of it, don't worry. And if it works out - well, great! You will not lose anything!
Girl: Think about it.
Grisha: Okay, run to us if you dare.

Both ideas for our today's performances belong to Regina Schmidt. First there will be a spontaneous performance, and in the evening our usual performance. She set out to understand what it really means to be famous. What difficulties can be associated with this. In our spontaneous performance, we will try to show what problems can arise in connection with popularity. The goal of our project is to become famous. Thank you very much and enjoy!
(Different voices. What I caught)
- These films of yours are a waste of time!
- What is it all about?
- Nothing! No idea, nothing!
(It is not clear what exactly the question was, so the beginning of the answer will need to be corrected)
- It seems to me that this means, first of all, endurance, patience, openness to everything new, the desire to communicate with people, the ability to reflect ... - the first thing that comes to mind.
- I don’t see anything wrong with the fact that 7 days turned into 5. Even despite the fact that it was declared 7 days. It happens, and we just adapted to the changes. It even seems to me harmonious and correct.
The fact that we had such a short time, first 7 days, then 5 days in general, is even good on the one hand, because we do not have the opportunity to postpone the task to a later date. Well, you know what people say: I'll do it tomorrow or next week. I also talk more than I do. Of course, this is very difficult and stressful, it is necessary not only to invent everything, but also to implement it. Such a short time gives everything dynamics, energy; the level of motivation is growing. Everyone understands that, well, yes, we only have these 5 days.
In fact, everything is great.
It's probably not really mine. At first I thought, I'll take a couple of weeks to think and so on. Maybe I won't do anything at all. I noticed these thoughts.

- Let's write on it.
I don't have black.
- No, it's black.

Thank you for your time!

Famous for 7 days in Hamburg | {$M}
Famous for 7 days in Hamburg


Famous for 7 days in Hamburg
