“Burial” is a sober and megalithic, concrete pavilion, where intimacy hides in plain sight, giving poetic form to practical needs.

Projected on the outskirts of the city of Querétaro, twelve concrete “walls” are planted in contrast to the flat grassy landscape. The project does not seem to contain a space, at first sight, it is until one approach and discovers the great subtraction on the ground that allows housing a multipurpose pavilion, accompanied by a sleek waterbody.
The completely underground space is contained by large solid concrete slopes, which in turn function to anchor and overlap the concrete vertical planes that can be seen from the outside. These are tall enough to trap the sun's rays inside them without reaching the living space. Thus, generating a fresh, intimate, and quiet atmosphere, which is partially protected from the outdoors.

This exercise is the result of designing without architecture, it tries to show that the most important thing in architecture is what happens after having solved its practical needs.


