The Deal Cabin
The Deal Cabin is a site for people to find deals from businesses in their area easily right on their computer or smart phone. For this project I created a complete website with most of the functionality, it is still going to be brought in to a CMS for full functionality, along with all the assets. This included a handful of pages and a ton of images.
The site is mobile ready with the ability to call the business right from their business page as well as visit their website, get directions to their store, and download the deal directly to their phone or print it from their computer.
The project required extensive coding in html, CSS, and javascript. The site is live, and will take you to the Springfield, IL page from the landing as that is the only city with deals. In the future if the site would take users to all available deals in a thirty mile radius of their city.
You can visit it at
The Deal Cabin


The Deal Cabin

The Deal Cabin The Deal Cabin is a site for people to find deals from businesses in their area easily right on their computer or smart phone. For Read More
