Profil von Dea Dzankovic

Kratki trakt o brutalnosti/ Short treaty on brutality

Kratki trakt o brutalnosti

Kratki trakt o brutalnosti je performans je koncipiran kao jedinstvena soba za bes, u kojoj su posetioci i posetiteljke mogli da pojedinačno provedu po pet minuta, tokom koji su mogli da iskažu svoj bes i oslobode tu emociju iz svog tela. Umetnica je predstavljala svojevrsnu vrstu receptora za datu emociju, dok su svi učesnici potpisivali vrstu sporazuma pre ulaska u sobu, kojime se definisala vrsta interakcije koja je dozvoljena. Performans je trajao u toku četiri uzastopna sata, tokom kojih su se ispitivale granice kako posetioca i posetiteljki, tako i umetnice. U performansu je učestovalo 37 ljudi.

Short Treatise on Brutality

Short treatise on brutality is a performance piece which was conceived to be a unique rage room, in which visitors were able to individually spend 5 minutes in, during which they could display their anger and release that emotion out of their body. The artist was a somewhat of a receptor for that emotion, an entity towards which they could have displayed that rage. All the participants were required to sign a contract before entering the room, which defined the modes of the interaction with the artist. The performance lasted for 4 hours, during which the visitors and the artist tested their boundaries. By the end, there was 37 participants in the performance.

Kratki trakt o brutalnosti/ Short treaty on brutality

Kratki trakt o brutalnosti/ Short treaty on brutality
