Bringing the concept to the forefront of perception, I call this sculpture 'The Plastic Mind'.
I don't usually explain my pieces and let the viewer feel it, interact, create and find it's own perspectives. So after analyzing this piece, a person in the room standing next to me called it, 'Dakhan Log'. And then nothing, I just wanted to share this because I was really amused.
ThinkCycle is a cause more than just a project. An effort to create awareness of importance of environmental sustainability. Breathing new life in the materials of yesteryear, Upcycling and assembling of mass produced disused objects, extends the lifetimes of materials, components and products but it doesn't end. And there's a thought to being with.

the plastic mind - upcycled 270 bottle caps
(thinkcycle series)
The Plastic Mind


The Plastic Mind
