Gloria N 的個人檔案

DESN366 Scotch-Brite Repackage

Scotch-Brite Sustainable Repackaging
Gloria N - DESN 366 - June 2022
Scotch-Brite is a company from 3M that sells abrasive cleaning products. Their most popular products are their dish sponges.
- Packaging Experience Audit -
The product is package in all plastic that hugs the product. The graphic are very minimal. The graphics that are there is a pan and the logo, the rest are words describing the product. The problems of the packaging is that it is covered in plastic. The plastic itself has no shape or form once opened and there is no seal to protect the other unused sponges.
Some initial ideas is to create something for both the mother and child. The mother can use the new packaging to store the sponges in a tidy way and the child can use it to play with once the mother is done using it. This could be done by having a fun design or just providing ideas of ways children can use the empty container. In addition the overall goal is to have a sustainable packaging to hold and keep sponges.
- Inspiration-
- Mockups -
The process to get the design was to take the targeted audience and implement that into the design. Since the audience are mothers, I had taken what represents them that way it applies to a wide range of backgrounds. The form of the package is in the shape of the sponge which shows the buyer the shape but it is also convenient for packaging purposes.
Photo above: Figuring out how to get the structure right
Photo below: First print with graphics to understand the accuracy of the form and structure. Also, to see the placements of the graphics and cut out. There was an error in this design: the flip cap for the storage did not sit well with the design, therefore another print had to be made.
- Problem and Solution Statement-
With the shape of this package, there were two problems. The first was figuring out the type of design to choose, as we needed to go for something that would capture our audiences attention. Therefore my solution was to create a simple design on the front, but have the back be filled with artwork. The second problem that came up was in printing and forming stages. The issue lied in the cap. The flip cap seemed more ideal as it was connected to the box, and therefore, be less easy to loose. However, that cap would need unquie hinges. So, I opted for a regular simple cap. I did find out that this was the best option as it would also keep the curved form in place.
- Concepts -
For the final design, I had chosen to go with two designs. It is simple on the front but fun in the back, and the sides mimic the curves of the sponge. The colors were taken from the brand and the color scheme was kept throughout the design to keep that consistency. Now for the shape of the product, it was also to mimic the actual shape and form of the sponge without having to open the box. Also, as mentioned previously, there was an issue that I had ran into, which was the type of cap to use. So, I had opted for a removable, regular cap; this type of cap also hold the structure of the packaging as well.
DESN366 Scotch-Brite Repackage

DESN366 Scotch-Brite Repackage

