Ti-Ming Chu profili

Architectural concrete of concept

Recently, my friends around me have been playing Midjourney, and I tried to explore this midjourney to see if I could use this technology to create more possibilities. Just enter English keywords and add the style I want. Description, AI will immediately calculate and then generate a picture, and then enter a few keywords to generate a picture. But the key to this thing is that you need to have some amount of information and convert it into nouns. The more words you add to the grammar, the more detailed and accurate the picture will be. AI can indeed do more and more However, the premise of using midjourney still needs to rely on the accumulated information of many media and then transform it to exert its maximum energy. Trying different styles, materials, and vocabulary to gradually construct the picture in the mind is not technical, but the careful use of vocabulary and the accumulation of ordinary knowledge do come in handy. There will still be many differences in the drawing, and there are still some problems and bugs. At least photographers and illustrators will never lose their jobs, but it is indeed applied in the professional field. This concept is indeed the feeling and trend of new living water injection.

Architectural concrete of concept
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Architectural concrete of concept

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