Filip Chelovskys profil

St. Patricks Cathedral Exterior Lightning Visualization

st. patrick'S cathedral
5th Ave, New York, NY 10022
“The Church is at her best, faithful to her mission, when she invites people to open the door and ask Jesus in. That’s precisely the invitation this Archdiocese of New York extends; that’s the proposal the Church makes to the world. <...>
This is why St. Patrick’s Cathedral is so important. Every year, more than five million people of every different nationality and faith enter this Cathedral. Some come just as a tourist, but many more come to participate in the life of the Church."
- Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan.
The cathedral and surrounding buildings were modeled in 3D's MAX.

View from Chesapeake Asset Management

A complex facade lighting system, including various spotlights and lighting temperatures, was developed for this cathedral.


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St. Patricks Cathedral Exterior Lightning Visualization


St. Patricks Cathedral Exterior Lightning Visualization
