Tristan Espinosa's profile

Creatives Cartoon Profiles

Born from the depths of swirling storm-clouds and lightning, JC Skywalker threw her first thunderbolt on a passing giant and he burnt to a crisp. Rest to say, Skywalker was delighted. Since then she has mastered the art of appearing and disappearing at will, surprising both friend and foe. Be careful to be on her good side. Piss her off and she'll use you as thunderbolt throwing practice. 
Slicing through air and wind, this monster has set foot in places a mortal would not even dare approach. Capable of flight and armed with a superb intellect that allows him to memorize all the maps ever drawn, Wind Runner can be at your side in a blink of an eye. His speed is so remarkable that even the gates of both heaven and hell cannot bar him. Be kind to him and he might let you live. Irritate this creature at your own risk for if you do, prepare yourself for one hell of a ride.
Viserion is a creature made of vile cunning. He is a creature void of mercy and compassion. He could shoot you with crippling razor-sharp barbs from his body in a single heartbeat. He will kill you over a bowl of peanuts or in a fight for a special edition X-Men comic in mint condition. He likes to think he knows all but then no one who argued can say otherwise.
Jack D
Jack D is a dragon. A dragon that will eat an apple as much as he would eat a tree. He flies all over the world turning all evil thoughts to pure ones just for the heck of it. And did I mention he does that mind-bending thing by spouting mysterious vapors from his mouth?
A powerhouse of energy and athletic skills, Quickshaft is the fastest and strongest of them all. He can zoom past you twelve times and you can barely notice him being there. To compensate for his dynamic powers, Quickshaft has to sleep and eat four-times his bodyweight. Never failing to impress damsels in distress or lasses at large, Quickshaft is the dominant hunter of them all.
Bytesize is adventurous. He's a creature keen on discovering and documenting far-flung places and it is that incessant desire to move that presumably gets him in trouble, aside from the fact that his temper is on the shorter end of the stick. To defend himself, ByteSize has the ability to grow in shape or to scale his size down, an ability that proves to be useful for his wanderlust. His most powerful arsenal however, is his camera that can shoot death-dealing lasers that instantly vaporizes his enemies. Don't get on his bad side.
Thriller, like his dreary name implies, is a creature that seeks to scare the heartbeat out of you. And he does that by chasing after you in a dark alley for no logical reason since he doesn't really need to eat your brains. Or he can thrill you with his amazing Plants vs. Zombie skills that most would say is world-class, probably because he can be as observant as a hawk. But his most mysterious power is the fact that he can enthrall you to the tune of, yep you guessed it, Thriller.
Twin-L is the walking embodiment of mental and physical toughness. She is impervious to the majority of physical attacks while her mind is impossible to subjugate. This allows Twin-L to assert her dominant side over other creatures, though it should be noted that she's almost never aggressive.
Sneaky Bust Hard
Sneaky Bust Hard slithers as he talks. He's so elusive and hard to seize that it is common knowledge that there is no known bond that can contain him. Friends and enemies alike attest to his immeasurable strength of persuasion, a skill that the Sneaky Bust Hard always uses. Beware his slither but be wary of his suggestions more.
H2Whoa loves to dwell in the murky depths of swamps, bogs, lakes and rivers but sometimes he hunts in the seas and oceans. He is a versatile swimmer that at first seems to be helpful and benevolent towards lost seafarers but his real passion is in grounding ships. He is quite whimsical at his better days but a nightmare to seafarers on his worst. H2Whoa can control the ebb and tide of the ocean at his will.
Tearifika is a creature of the depths. Borne after the fateful Boston Tea Dumping, Tearifika is a creature that is capable of regenerating any part of her body that gets cut off. She can also breathe under water and oddly enough, can survive extreme weather and temperatures. Tearifika seems to believe that she's part fish, part tea but for the other creatures, she's one hundred percent TEArific.
Creatives Cartoon Profiles

Creatives Cartoon Profiles

Globaltronics Creatives | Who We Are Once upon a time, a bunch of young, creative, and talented individuals who were then strangers to each othe Read More
