Profil KALLOS .

KIAF emart X SSG.COM Media Art

KIAF emart X SSG.COM Media Art

KIAF ART SEOUL attracts more than 60,000 domestic and foreign visitors and overseas collectors every year, and is the largest art fair in Korea where Seoul has established itself as a hub of Asian contemporary art.

mmpx and KALLOS made a digital media art at KIAF ART SEOUL 2021, which opened in October 2021.

emart and SSG.COM, which participated as main sponsors in Korea’s largest art fair, visualized their brands through media art.


Vegetables are fresh.
Fruits are fresh.
The keyword ‘fresh’ is a must-keep promise to customers made by emart and SSG.COM.
Together with the will to keep promises, it clearly communicates the brands’ actions the most of all.
In order to give a visual ‘freshness’ as well as the ‘freshness’ of food material, we worked in a new space so that visitors ca1n feel the freshness of the new visual and even the freshness itself.

DATA WIND is inspired by the movement of wind.
Through this work, we wanted to tell a story of the energy of e-mart’s fresh food, that is, how much love it received from customers in 2020.
We expressed the fresh foods of rice, vegetables, fruits, meat, and seafood through 5 colors.
As the number of fresh food purchases by customers using e-mart varies, the number of water droplets in the waves increases and decreases, creating a soft wave shape.
The dynamic energy of each water droplet accumulates to form a huge wave, and the 5 colors mix with each other and change 12 times per month to create colorful shapes.

Visual Keywords : Particle / Wind / emart Color

DATA FALL is inspired by the movement of water stream. The shape of waterfall means the number of orders for delivery that occurred on SSG.COM during 24 hours a day.
Through this work, we wanted to tell the story of SSG Delivery, which is leading the industry.
The colorful colors blended throughout the work symbolize the brand identity of SSG.COM.
At the same time, they are metaphors for the 11 categories that make up fresh food.
Water pours down as much as the orders get received, and it gradually begins to fill the space which makes people feel cool just by looking at it.
A total of 8 waterfalls, once every 3 hours, accumulate, and when it reaches 24 hours, it is shaken by a great force and quickly sucked out of the central ceiling gate as if freshly prepared food leaves for delivery.

Visual Keywords : Particle / Waterfall / SSG Color

KIAF emart X SSG.COM Media Art

KIAF emart X SSG.COM Media Art
