A concept of a game I made a year ago,
will talk about the game later.
Here are progresses: 
finished, filter added:
So, back to the game I mentioned.
The game's name is "MARK-II", I finished it like uh... more than one year ago,
it's an action puzzle game, you control two characters, which are named Mark and Mark-II, they cooperate, solve puzzles, and clear stages together.
I made this game as a student work for attending Tokyo Game Show 2012 as a developer,
and finally wrapped it as a complete game at the end of 2012.
All programming, graphics( including 3D models, textures, animations, UI elements... ), music are made by myself.
I'll put the game download link here down below,
feel free to download and play it as you like, all free of charge
: )
There are also some posters I made for "MARK-II",
I'll just post them here anyway,
these are old stuffs, painted a year ago.
I think Mark has grown up.

Thank you,
: )
Firmware update
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Firmware update

a concept of a game I made before, and the future it may go further.

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