avenue magazine "you are a brand"
avenue magazine "you are a brand"
"missing the bride gene"

"gossip girls"

"neon cosmetic"

"fairview mall: kahle"

"fairview mall: deborah shopping"

"fairview mall: darcy baking"

"fairview mall: cher on scooter"

"fairview mall: deborah inspired by mad men"

"doll factory: acoustic cutie"

"doll factory: breakup ballads"

"doll factory: honky tonk honey"

"doll factory: renegade rose"

"doll factory: renegade rose (unpublished)"

"harlequin books: enchanted dreams"

"groundwood books: seven for a secret"

snowboard 1

snowboard 2

"today's parent family vacation"

"baltimore sun: kitchen crap"

"baltimore sun: hon"

"today's parent: mommy brain"

"get a load of milk" poster illustration
illustration works

illustration works



Creative Fields