
"Illustration and Image - Making" project currently focused on making product collection for target audiences and understanding the current market. My selected concept for this product collection is Stationery.
In addition, these are the sketches that we made before creating our concepts and products. I drew some of my friend's expression and my surrounding that leads me to several concepts.
One of the concept that I proposed to the lecturer.

I created a concept of modern fantasy that targets specific group which are teenagers and young adults. Therefore, I have done in-depth research and in order for the target audience to have interest with Stationery and concept, I decided to create a fantasy world with urban lifestyle and unique students.

The main focus of this world - building concept is to become relatable with today's generation and have an interest to learn more about this characters.
In this project, I come out with logo design, research on market place, characters info, and create proper illustration and storytelling with stationery.
These are the main characters in this project. The whole concept is focusing on Jenny, a human girl who are selected to be in a university full of unique creatures soon-to-be friends. These characters were inspired by cliques and characteristics such as jocks, popular, nerds and more.
Final Logo design for "Party Ghost"
Product Collection
I produced 5 different products that my target audiences would enjoy this concept which are lanyard, notebooks, stickers, card and laptop or IPAD cover.
The sticker illustration were inspired current meme trends and friends around me! 
Perhaps you could guess one of it?
Monsterz IIM Sketchbook/Project

Monsterz IIM Sketchbook/Project
