Profil von Nini Khuroshvili


OASIS 2027 (OA27) is a research-based residency programme leading to the creation of an interdisciplinary festival that will explore strategies for the climate emergency. 
The seed topic of the OA27 programme is desertification: the processes by which fertile land becomes increasingly arid, mostly due to human activity. According to scientific reports, the more tangible effects of desertification will affect Europe as soon as 2027.
The goal of the OA27 programme is to bring forth the understanding of the severity of the climate crisis. Researching the processes of desertification and our relation to water and soil, the programme aims to inspire the change of how we use the planet’s resources and position ourselves and agriculture as a part of the ecosystem.
There will be an R&D ‘Incubation’ phase in Mallorca, Spain from 7-20 May 2022, and an R&D ‘Acceleration’ phase in Bledowska Desert, Poland from 3-17 July 2022, followed by the OA27 Festival in Madgeburg, Germany from 17-31 October 2022.
(presented materials(mood board so far) had been collected while Incubation phase Mallorca 7-20 May 2022)
Group Vision:

We exercise the power of Re/un learning by accepting mistakes as opportunities, embracing critical subjectivity and balancing magic with science.

We observe experience and play to jump to the poetry of the desert.

We feel, think and build into the specific local circumstances of the places we arrive to as strangers. 

We are curious of our surroundings and the new perspectives and dynamics that arrive from our encounters.

We embrace the chaos in the desert as a wonder and possibly of freedom to engage with the dynamics of nature and slow growth, adapting to the rhythm and flows, living in the present of time.

We want to fit ourselves in the rhythms of nature without interfering with it. Slow impact

We commit for mutual care, channel our power in favor of collective – aware of our undetectable relation to a big whole as well as tiniest.
Desertification topics for dialogue process: 
Save or fight the desert;
What role does the water play;
How sensual is the desert;
Individualism VS collectivism;
Balance: emotion and ration, science and magic;
Play in the desert world;
Desert – unseen or absence;
Dreaming collective landscape;
Our body as resource of the desert;
Visioning of inner desert;
Human-non-human communication;
How time passes in desert...
"To refer to my barrenness, she named me “Desert,” and to embellish that name somewhat, she added “Rose,” which was fine with me, as I adored roses." elifşafak

