Profil Lasha Tamae

5 character tropes! BEACHBUMZ

brainstorming ideas for potential characters!
rough final sketch line-up of 5 trope characters
experimenting and adjusting color pallets for each character
the final line up of all the character types!
from left to right:  The Rogue, Princess, Leader, Kid, Bruiser

The rogue and leader are both professional surfers making their way to the big leagues! The leader belives in surfing for the passion and love which irratates the rogue a bit since hes more about the competition and being the best.  Even though they are rivals while competing the leader makes sure he knows their still friends!  He's a bit grumpy and moody all the time but deep down hes a big softie.

The princess character is the bubbly and the more positive person of the group! she doesnt know much about surfing but shes all about supporting her friends in what they love to do!  More like the cheerleader of the group she contributes positive additude and engery to her friends when they are down and has all the connections for whatever needs her friends needs......connections in high places.....

The kid character is the youngest and one out of four siblings in the family with the leader (her sister) being the 3rd oldest!  Thats right, the kid and leader are siblings! And, shes a GIRL!  The kid get mistaken for a boy all the time and although she just brushes it off and ignores it she can't help but get fussy and irritated when it happens.  Very tomboyish in appearance and mannerisms shes still a girl and if someone bothers her enough about it she'll make it known with a nice fist to the face!  

Besides that, the Kid looks up to the leader a lot! (if you cant tell by the color matching of her outfit to the Leader's haha)  Not only because shes her older sister but because shes really talented and her passion for surfing is the Kid's inspiration for documentary work and photography! Her dreams are to show case talented altheletes in surf magazines and capture the perfect moment while they surf!
While the Kid is the type to loudly announce what they feel and think without any consideration for filtering their thoughts (shes really just a huge sassy pants) not only does her sister (the Leader) keep her in check but the Bruiser also helps keep her calm.
The Bruiser is a shy sort of character and more about finding different ways to avoid conflict and violence. He loves the beauty of nature and the soothing sounds of his ukulele under the shade of a tree in the warm sun~  While the Kid and Bruiser are kind of oposites in personality they are the best of friends!  While the Kid is a GOGOGO type of gal the Bruiser takes his time to think the situation through and not make any rash decisions.  Def. the go-to person for advice and wisdom out of the group!
5 character tropes! BEACHBUMZ

5 character tropes! BEACHBUMZ

final characters all cleaned up! from left to right we have: the rogue, princess, leader, kid, and bruiser generic character tropes
