Perfil de Maxime Truchon


Movimiento en 3D
After Effects
A   E   O   N 
3 years of dedication.


<aeon.- noun
/ˈēən,ˈēˌän/ _____________________________________________________
a concept from Greek philosophy that represents an eternal and ageless being,
often linked to the concept of time.

- over 3 years in the making -
October 2019 - August 2023

Three years. Three years of relentless effort, consuming passion, and labor, sometimes burning the midnight oil, to construct this project, one pixel at a time.
Initiated in the autumn of 2019, and a little over three years after embarking on this journey, I can finally declare its completion.
Nearly four minutes of fully CGI animation, three years punctuated by moments of discouragement, periods when creativity and the desire to breathe life into this universe were at their zenith. Sleepless nights, hours dedicated to research and work, infused with a deep love for this passion, all to behold the matured fruit of the endeavors.
This project is above all a determination to see through what was begun, to translate this small idea into images, despite the enormity of the work it would require.
Thus, after three years of anticipation, I can finally state: I present to you Aeon.

Curated Clips.

Making of.

Production Frames. | Lookdev. | R&D.


Art Direction & CG - Maxime Truchon
Music by David Morton
With the help of Pascal Rhéaume and Fabien Simard

Thank you to the Redshift and AE Discord communities for their feedback.
This project couldn't be without the support from the local Montreal motion design community.

Cinema 4D, Redshift, After Effects, Terragen, Photoshop, Midjourney, Quixel Megascan,
Rendered on 5x 3080TI.


Thank you very much.
If you've appreciated this project, don't hesitate to like, share, and talk about it.

- I'm available for work -



