I present a three-piece sample collection inspired by ancient Greek mythology, specifically drawing inspiration from the mythological creatures known as sirens. These original sea nymphs were celebrated for their enchanting melodies but also feared for their murderous nature. The ancient siren archetype is marked by a profound duality, embodying wisdom and allure while being repulsive in its deadly nature—simultaneously heavenly and hellish.
In my interpretation, I aimed to capture the killer vibe and erotica inherent in the siren mythology. Through bold brush strokes in my paintings and meticulous montages edited in Photoshop, I sought to convey the dichotomy of the sirens' character, blending elements of beauty and danger.
In this initial version, I acquired illustrations of sirens and proceeded to transform them into a 'heavenly and hellish' aesthetic using bold brush strokes and pattern repetition.
In this version, I began with the original composition but introduced new brush strokes and shapes. I opted for a simplification of the pattern, focusing on triangles and their composition.
In the final version, I retained the original composition but introduced details using a Photoshop feature called 'liquify,' allowing me to achieve a fluid and dynamic effect, reminiscent of water and density.
Some brush strokes I created for this project.
And the picture I bought the licence for and used for my designs. 


