Isabella Dalliston 的个人资料

In Good Faith - Concrete Poetry - May 2022

The second part of my final masters project at Glasgow School of Art. 
The book of 'In Good Faith' is primarily comprised of a series of original interviews I conducted with the members of my immediate family. Even within the formal typographic style of the book, I was very interested in capturing the natural speech patterns in text including such verbal quirks as 'um's, 'ah's, interruptions and the like as I felt there was a beauty and power in being able to 'see' the thoughts expressed emerge into being.
However, I wanted to explore further the potential of representing natural speech patterns, as well as further highlight certain key passages from the interviews, and so I created a series of four concrete poems to do so, liberating the words from the constrains of book typography into a more living form.
Within these poems, red is used to highlight words pertaining to the concept of 'faith', and the debossed, inkless type, 'doubt'. 

Inked type printed digitally, debossed type printed by hand with a Columbian Press.
In Good Faith - Concrete Poetry - May 2022