Profil appartenant à Angel Abad Bujanda

Business cards - Raewyn Bates.

Wellness Specialist.
The design of a logo and business cards.
Raewyn is an Wellness specialist, she dedicates herself to give to her clients the way to keep a healthy life via eating good and healthy food, meditation, and it involves pilates too!

So for the logo she requested me to use the Lotus as a concept, because it has the meaning of her job, the flower resembles the purifying of the spirit. Using green colors which represents life which is the objective of her job.

For the background colors i used the same as she used in her blog: to have a graphic continuity.
Front of the card.
Back of the card.
Business cards - Raewyn Bates.
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Business cards - Raewyn Bates.

The design of business cards for a Wellness Specialist.

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