Umbrella Branding's profile

Mia Elia | Adopt an olive tree

Mia Elia


A special 360 branding project that we supervised and executed across all platforms, both digital and print. A kind family from the beautiful island of Lesvos, trusted us with their vision of a unique olive oil experience service and we gracefully took the challenge!

Naming and tagline, visual identity and copywriting, packaging, photo shooting and video direction, website and e-shop, google ads and social media promotion, all crafted and manifested with the utmost care.

From Lesvos with love.

"Mia Elia” name came from the idea that every customer could adopt One Olive Tree and connect with nature while tasting its pure olive oil. The symbol was centered around the unifying number one that merges all things natural. We used white packaging for purity, black typography for elegance and bronze details for the divine and eternal magnitude of the olive tree, dating back to antiquity.

We constructed  an e-shop based on the colour of the groves and the feeling of continuous discovery through the seasons. Mia Elia has now passed to the other side of the ocean, offering adoptions overseas to various satisfied nature lovers across the globe.

Lesvos’ olive trees date back to antiquity, carrying wisdom and history, that you can taste in their fruit.
Mia Elia gives you the opportunity to support this circle of life and enjoy the unique extra virgin olive oil from your own tree, to your table.

Photoshooting & Filming:
Konstantinos Stamatellis, Mike Rafail, Umbrella Branding

An ever-growing concept that we are proud to be part of! 
Mia Elia | Adopt an olive tree


Mia Elia | Adopt an olive tree
