Pixel Scape

Pixel Scape
LOCATION: Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, El Matarya Branch
YEAR: 2022
Landscape Competition
The A0 Team
AWARD: Second Place
Pixel scape is the green spirit of the campus which offers the students green fresh zones with
different functions that support them through their learning process.

The concept 'pixel' is derived from the elevations of the surrounding buildings and the urban fabric form of the site which is squares with grid.
Form generation:
we planned the grid of squares out of the old main path creating secondary paths that link our pixels scape's zones.
The different zones are:
1. A gallery for the best student projects. The gallery is generated from extrusion of pixels from different hardscape and softscape materials that create a dynamic form.
2. Group work zone: with furniture designed with extruded pixels that help students work on large paper size.
3. Recreational zone: with Ping-Pong tables, chess game and furniture designed in the form of common games.
4. food court and booth zone.
5. Maze structure zone: pixels are shown on a vertical grid with different extrusions creating seating and tables for student social and asocial activities.

Thank You :)
Pixel Scape
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