Perfil de Lacey Bennion

Lacey Bennion's Spring Motion Graphics Projects

Unit Project: VFX Sequence - "The Hero"
My favorite, and our final Unit Project is the VFX Sequence. This project and the Designing Information project were my two favorites of the bunch. Thankfully, I learned what I had done wrong in my Guitar AD and was able to fix it here. This project was super fun because I have never really gone too deeply into special effects before and how they are made.
Unit Project: The Bicycle
The Bicycle was our first Unit Project in Motion Graphics. This assignment helped us further understand how to parent our assets and use pre-composing. This project was a fun and simple start into basic motion graphics.
Unit Project: Designing Information - "Fun Fact!"
Our second Unit Project was Designing Information. In this project we learned how to do basic kinetic typography, animating graphs, icons, and numbers. I am quite happy with the outcome of this. I have always been curious how individuals make videos with fun and engaging subtitles or typography, and now I know how to create them myself.
Unit Project: Guitar AD - "Epiphone"
Our third Unit Project was the Guitar AD. This assignment unfortunately was the one I struggled with the most. However, everyone starts somewhere and this assignment definitely helped me with our final Unit Project in understanding motion tracking better. 

Overall, my Motion Graphics course has definitely helped me greater understand Adobe After Effects as opposed to Adobe Premiere Pro which I learned about previously and Photoshop. 

Lacey Bennion's Spring Motion Graphics Projects

Lacey Bennion's Spring Motion Graphics Projects



Sectores creativos