< Wonder world >
The theme for 2022 is ‘Wonder World’ 

I make wood, plastics, styrofoam and many other materials to make the frame and decorate the art furniture with Ceramic clay. 

Please enjoy the beautiful primary colors and have a good time. 

The aurora colored chair under the theme of Wonder World is unique and beautiful with yellow, pink, green, and blue plaids. 
This non-linear, bumpy, and curvy shape reminds you of a chair in a fairy tale. 

( Work Process )
This yellow stool is decorated with many stars.  

It is strong enough to support many art books.

( Work Process )
This silver table is decorated with a lovely heart and aurora colors. 

It has three layers where you can put small objects. 

This mini stool, decorated with green vines and leaves in silver, 

is a perfect place for your plants.


- Thank you -

